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First snowstorm of the season hits the Cascades

Initial reports show over a foot of snow fell in 24 hours at Timberline Lodge.

GOVERNMENT CAMP, Ore. — The first heavy snowfall of the season hit the Cascade Mountains Tuesday and Wednesday, covering passes in Oregon and Washington. 

Initial reports show over a foot of snow fell in 24 hours at Timberline Lodge. 

“The foot of snow that we got overnight was definitely a surprise," said Jennifer Sande, who was visiting the lodge. 

Sande wasn't the only one caught off guard. A hiker from the east coast arrived at Timberline only to be surprised by the blanket of snow with more to come in the forecast. 

"The more I look around, the more I think to myself, is this a good idea? Is it not?" Rob Archer said, while looking for the trailhead. 

While Archer decided to turn back, another pair strapped on snowshoes and braved the elements heading out around the lodge. 

Credit: Ashley Grams

The ski area at Timberline is not yet open for winter sports, but the lodge is ready to welcome visitors. The Johnson's traveled up the mountain to see the snow and enjoy some hot chocolate. 

"The fire is roaring in there, very calming, very wonderful to be up here," said Julie Johnson.

Timberline typically starts up their ski lifts and opens for the season mid-November, but the exact date is weather dependent.

Credit: Ashley Grams

As for road conditions, ODOT is plowing well-traveled highways. But the department warns plowing and de-icing won't happen as frequently this year, compared to years past due to budget cuts.

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