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Tillamook's coastal estuaries provide the perfect place for a gentle paddle

Kayak Tillamook provides the supplies needed to explore the water and enjoy a unique view of Oregon's landscape.

TILLAMOOK, Ore. — Oregon’s many hiking trails lead to great adventures across the state’s landscape, but there are also trails of the watery sort that do the same! This week, it's a gentle paddle across a coastal estuary where all you need is a boat, a paddle and a spirit of curiosity. 

Powerful ocean breakers can be deceiving along the coast! For if you know where to go, safe harbors like Nehalem offer a fine launch point to explore a calm corner of the region.

Ginnette Marberry is a guide with Kayak Tillamook, and she says their 12-foot-long flat-water kayaks are broad of beam, stable and easy to maneuver.

Kayak Tillamook supplies the boats, the paddles, life jackets and the expertise while you slip inside the cozy confines of a sea kayak.

Credit: Jeff Kastner

Marc Hinz, also a guide with Kayak Tillamook, said that all you need do is show up “dressed for the day,” but he cautioned, “Wear anything but cotton! Our standard mantra is ‘cotton kills’ because it absorbs the water and holds it to next to your body, so it’s bad news. Good news is the synthetics or even wool clothing.”

Marberry has been exploring Tillamook’s coastal estuaries where freshwater mixes with the salt for the past four years.

“I personally have taken people aged five to age 80,” said Marberry. “So, I’d say it’s good for everybody; it’s really a low-impact activity that just about anybody can do.”

These days, it’s even easier, thanks to waterproof paddling guides that are free and available throughout the county.

Local kayaker Julie Chick paddled and mapped five different Tillamook County estuaries that offer more than 250 miles of nationally designated water trail.

“I’ve lived here for twenty years, and I had the privilege of mapping the Tillamook County Water Trail — all five estuaries, Nehalem Bay being one of them. This is one of the first bays that I got to explore, and I love it out here,” Chick said.

Credit: Jeff Kastner
The coastal estuaries are a front-row seat for wildlife watchers.

A slow-moving, outgoing tide eased our paddling from Nehalem toward nearby Wheeler on a journey that also took us toward inter-tidal mud flats. Soon, we left Nehalem Bay proper and tucked in behind Lazarus Island.

From here, a Sitka spruce forest and marshland combine for shorebird and waterfowl habitat.

We paddled quietly through shallow channels and sloughs and eventually reached a bend in a channel. Suddenly, we spied a resident herd of Roosevelt Elk.

Marberry whispered, “I think there’s close to 80 elk in that herd.”

“It’s always very special to see our resident herd of elk,” added Hinz. “In fact, I think the wildlife population, whether eagles, river otters or elk are more present or more common than we experienced 10, 15 years ago.”

Nearby, we also explored a beautiful area called Bott’s Marsh that consists of nearly 40 acres of protected backwater.

“Bott’s Marsh is influenced by the tide,” said Marberry. “So, at high tide the water floods in here and there are several little watery fingers you can explore. So, you get to switch from being on this open bay and in a moment you’re back in this marshland.”

Best of all, the sun, the scenery and the pace not only relax the body, but also soothe the soul.

“It’s really about getting people out into this beautiful area,” said Chick. “It’s about becoming part of what’s out here. Plus, the people aren’t here yet, so if you can catch a Monday thru Thursday for a two-hour paddle this is going to be all yours to explore.”

Be sure to watch the weekly half hour program of Grant's Getaways. The show airs each Saturday and Sunday at 4 p.m. on KGW.

You can also learn more about many of my favorite Oregon travels and adventures in the Grant’s Getaways book series, including:

The book collection offers hundreds of outdoor activities across Oregon and promises to engage a kid of any age.

You can reach me: Gmcomie@kgw.com

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