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Portland mayoral candidate Carmen Rubio claims she is being 'exploited' after being accused of dinging parked Tesla

The owner of the Tesla told The Oregonian a driver hit her car in a parking lot, then walked away. She says she learned later the driver was a public official.
The Oregonian found Carmen Rubio, a current city commissioner had built up multiple parking and traffic violations over the last 20 years.

PORTLAND, Ore. — A leading candidate for Portland mayor and current city commissioner responded Wednesday to accusations that she dinged a parked Tesla and walked away shortly afterward. 

The incident happened September 13 as Commissioner Carmen Rubio pulled into a parking spot next to a Tesla. She allegedly scraped the bumper and wheel rim with her Nissan Murano, then appeared to walk away from the scene. 

The allegation came to light in an article from The Oregonian, which spoke with the owner of the Tesla and obtained video and images of the damage.

The owner said she became concerned after seeing Rubio's record of amassing unpaid parking tickets and traffic violations over 20 years, as well as having her license suspended six times, which was also reported previously by The Oregonian. 

The incident, according to Rubio

In a statement provided by Rubio's campaign manager, the commissioner laid out her side of the story to KGW.

"At the time, I felt my car bump or lift slightly.  Concerned, I checked for damage to the neighboring car, a Tesla. Seeing none, I went to my appointment," Rubio said in a statement Wednesday. 

When she returned to her car, Rubio said, she found a note from the Tesla's owner, then "immediately" called and texted and offered to "connect her with my insurance." The Tesla's owner texted Rubio back, and they spoke Saturday on the phone. 

Rubio then claimed the Tesla owner said she looked up Rubio online and "went on at length" about Rubio's traffic violation record, and said people should "know the kind of person I am."

Rubio also reported the Tesla owner's husband called her, talking about her character. Rubio said she apologized repeatedly and asked for a heads-up if the couple were going to the media. 

On Monday, Rubio said she texted the Tesla owner her insurance information. She said the owner then called her and said she wanted to handle the situation privately.

The Tesla owner then told Rubio that she "didn't have time to get an estimate" and that "friends told her that the cost would very likely be 'north of $5,000,' but that she would settle for less at $4,000 and to make a payment to her via Venmo." 

The Tesla owner again mentioned the unpaid parking tickets and that "many of her friends told her she should 'do something with this,'" meaning going to the press. 

Rubio said she then became "concerned that I was being exploited because of the public nature of my role," then hung up and sought out legal advice. Rubio also claimed the Tesla owner did not provide her with any evidence of damage to the Tesla.

The next morning, Rubio said, the Tesla owner texted Rubio and asked "when to expect a Venmo payment."  Rubio responded with the claim number from her insurance provider.

The incident, according to the Tesla owner

Meanwhile, according to pictures obtained by The Oregonian, it appears that the Tesla was visibly damaged with scuff and scrape marks across the white bumper, among other marks in the tire area. 

The owner told The Oregonian that when she saw the damage, she looked up her car's footage and saw Rubio walking away shortly after her car was hit. The Tesla owner says she left a note on Rubio's windshield, which said that she had video and would "take additional action" if there was no follow up. 

After Rubio responded to the Tesla owner via voicemail and text, The Oregonian reported, the owner looked up the caller ID and read recent reports of Rubio's driving history. She told the paper that during phone calls with Rubio, she and her husband felt concerned due to the said reports. She said Rubio initially offered to pay cash for the damages, then switched to handling it through their respective insurance companies. 

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