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Friends and colleagues remember Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson

"Dennis' kind heart guided his career of service to the people of Oregon," Gov. Kate Brown said. "His reputation for perseverance not only guided him through the fight with cancer, it also gave us all reassurance that he was fighting cancer with the same determination he brought to work every day."

PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson passed away Tuesday following a battle with cancer.

Friends and colleagues are remembering him as a steadfast man who persevered in his fight against cancer without losing sight of his legislative leadership. And they're remembering him as a kind-hearted man who loved his family, community and country.

"If you spent time with Dennis, it wouldn’t be long before he shared with you his personal motto of 'Pro Tanto Quid Retribuamus,' which means: Having been given much, what will you give in return?" Deputy Secretary of State Leslie Cummings said Wednesday.

"This philosophy influenced every aspect of Dennis’ life and became the hallmark by which many knew him. His challenge to us in the Secretary of State’s office is to give our very best to each other and to Oregon each and every day."

Cummings said had been an honor and a privilege to work with "such an incredible leader and wonderful friend."

RELATED: Oregon Sec. of State Dennis Richardson dies after cancer battle

Oregon Governor Kate Brown ordered all flags be flown at half-staff Wednesday to honor the Secretary of State. 

"Regardless of what side of the aisle his colleagues sat on, we all knew Dennis' kind heart guided his career of service to the people of Oregon," Brown Said. "His reputation for perseverance not only guided him through the fight with cancer, it also gave us all reassurance that he was fighting cancer with the same determination he brought to work every day."

Oregon's House Republican Leader Carl Wilson said Wednesday that Richardson's death will be "deeply mourned by all his former colleagues in the Oregon House.”

"Dennis was a steadfast man who loved family, his country, the State of Oregon, and the people he served," Wilson said.

RELATED: Dennis Richardson gives update on cancerous brain tumor, despite speech difficulties

Oregon U.S. Rep. Greg Walden said with Richardson's passing that he lost a kind, caring, and thoughtful friend. 

"Dennis’ quiet competence and civility is such a rarity in today's world. I feel blessed to have known and worked with him for so many years. Mylene and I are sending our prayers to Cathy and their children," Walden said. "Dennis served his country with honor and his body of work leaves Oregon better for the next generation."

On the other side of the aisle, Oregon's Senate Majority Leader Ginny Burdick and Senate President Peter Courtney are honoring a man who dedicated his life in service to others.

"Dedicated to his faith and family, his community and his country. He was dedicated to Oregon," Courtney said. "He cared about people. I will miss him.”

“Dennis Richardson was a kind and decent man. He served his country with distinction in the military. He served his community of Southern Oregon and the State of Oregon with integrity and dedication," Burdick said. "I had the pleasure of serving with Secretary Richardson in the Legislature for many years. He loved this state and we will miss him.”

Richardson had announced in June 2018 that he had a brain tumor. Earlier this month, he announced he would be scaling back many duties of his job.

RELATED: Battling cancer, Secretary of State Richardson to scale back time spent at office

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