VANCOUVER, Wash. — Tuesday is Washington state's special election. Most of the measures that voters in southwest Washington will decide are school levies.
Ballots must be postmarked by Feb. 13 or dropped off at an approved ballot site by 8 p.m. Preliminary results are expected to be released by 8:30 p.m. and the official results will be out by Friday, Feb. 23.
Here are some of the top measures that are up for votes in Clark County.
Battle Ground School District
Capital Levy for Safety, Facility and Technology Improvements
If passed, Proposition No. 7 would authorize the Battle Ground School District to levy taxes over three years to make safety facility and technological improvements. That would include upgrading security cameras, repairing roofs, improving heating and cooling systems, upgrading lighting and technology and creating spaces for learning trades, culinary, health sciences and middle school STEM. The estimated tax levy rate is $0.44 per $1,000 of assessed value.
Camas School District
Replacement Educational Programs and Operations Levy
Proposition No. 6, if passed, would allow the Camas School District to replace an expiring educational programs and operations levy. The proposed four-year replacement levy would pay educational programs and operations expenses that aren't fully funded by Washington state. That includes salaries and benefits, extracurricular activities, substitute teachers and food service. The estimated tax levy rate is $1.82 per $1,000 of assessed value.
Replacement Capitol Levy for Educational Technology, Health and Safety Improvements
Proposition No. 7 authorizes the Camas School District to replace an expiring capital levy. If passed, it would be used to install educational technology, and replace or repair artificial turf, boilers and roofs. The estimated tax levy rate is $0.39 per $1,000 of assessed value.
Woodland School District
School Support Levy for Educational Programs and Operations
If passed, Proposition No. 1 would allow the Woodland School District to renew an expiring levy for educational programs and operations. Collected taxes would be deposited into the school district's general fund to pay for programs and operations not funded by Washington, including teachers and staff, school supplies, facility maintenance and athletics. The estimated tax levy rate is $2.20 per $1,000 of assessed value.