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Oregon election race results

Election Day is here. Below is a rundown of how the big races are shaking out in Oregon. 

PORTLAND, Ore. – Here are the results of Oregon's big races.

Click here for the latest election results from Oregon, Washington and national races


Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump

Result: Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States.

On Election Day, statistics site FiveThirtyEight showed Clinton polling a few points higher than Trump, 48.5 percent to 44.9 percent. Clinton had about a 71 percent chance of winning, while Trump had a 29 percent chance.

Oregonians voted in favor of Clinton, allotting all seven electoral votes to the Democratic candidate.

Oregon Governor

Kate Brown vs. Bud Pierce

Result: Kate Brown has won the race for Oregon Governor.

Democrat Kate Brown took over as governor following John Kitzhaber’s resignation in early 2015. Brown faced challenger Dr. Bud Pierce in the contest to finish what would have been the last two years of Kitzhaber’s term, from Jan. 1, 2017 – Jan. 1, 2019.

Portland City Council

<p>City commissioner candidates Chloe Eudaly (left) and Steve Novick (right)</p>

Chloe Eudaly vs. Steve Novick

Result: Eudaly won, unseating incumbent Novick.

In a surprise defeat, Chloe Eudaly beat incumbent Steve Novick for a seat on the Portland City Council.

Novick conceded to Eudaly just after 8 p.m. He said he looks forward to spending more time with his family.

Eudaly led Novick 53 percent to 47 percent, according to early returns.

Novick won the May primary election but did not get more than 50 percent of the vote, so he faced bookstore owner Eudaly in the November election. Both candidates ran on progressive platforms, with Novick championing environmental causes, economic growth and transportation initiatives, while Eudaly pushed for affordable housing, renters rights and the needs of residents on the east side of the Willamette River.

Measure 97

Result: Measure 97 failed

The "No on 97" campaign said they were thankful for the support.

"Our coalition ran a fact-based campaign outlining Measure 97's flaws," said Rebecca Tweed. "We're grateful Oregonians agreed with us and rejected the costly and damaging proposal."

The Yes on 97 campaign said there was a victory, even though they lost.

"While we did not win this election this time, we did win the debate," said Ben Unger of the Yes on 97 campaign. "Because of the work we did no one is going to accept school budget cuts, or more expensive health care, without first asking: Instead of cuts, why not make large corporations pay their fair share? That’s a victory in its own right, and it’s something to be proud of."

One of the most heated and well-funded fights was over Measure 97, which proposed to tax gross sales on companies that make more than $25 million a year. Proponents said it’s time for big corporations to pay their fair share, while opponents said the tax on gross sales could wipe out profits for some Oregon companies that operate within tight margins.

Portland Housing Bond

Result: Portland Housing bond passes

Portland voters decided to pay for a historic bond to create affordable housing. Supporters said the $258 million bond could make a significant difference in how many homeless people are on Portland’s streets.

Here’s what the bond promises to do.

Oregon Secretary of State

Secretary of State Candidates Dennis Richardson (left) and Brad Avakian (right)

Brad Avakian vs. Dennis Richardson

Result: Richardson won secretary of state, with 48 percent of the vote.

Democrat Brad Avakian and Republican Dennis Richardson were polar opposite opponents in what was one of the closest races in the state. Labor commissioner and self-proclaimed “activist” Avakian said he would expand the role of the secretary of state and be more of an advocate for issues and candidates than previous office holders. Richardson said he would take a more traditional role and cut government spending, welcome new businesses and preserve public records.

Oregon State Treasurer

Results: Tobias Reed has won the race for state treasurer.

Democrat Tobias Read, Republican Jeff Gudman and Independent Chris Telfer were vying to replace current state treasurer Ted Wheeler, who is leaving the office to become Portland’s next mayor.

The state treasurer manages a multitude of financial responsibilities for the state and has a profound impact on Oregon’s financial health. The office is also one of the highest in the state – it’s second in line for the governor’s office.

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