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Patient leads bone marrow drive: 'You could possibly save someone'

An OHSU patient with a rare blood disorder is asking you to consider becoming a bone marrow donor.
Lori McClaskey-Agresta

PORTLAND, Ore. -- An Oregon Health & Science University patient with a rare blood disorder is asking you to consider becoming a bone marrow donor.

Lori McClaskey-Agresta might need a donor, but she's also thinking of the thousands of other patients fighting for their lives.

"If you could take just a few minutes to put yourself on the national registry," she said, "you could possibly save someone."

McClaskey-Agresta has severe aplastic anemia.

"It attacks your bone marrow, you don't make red blood cells, platelets, nothing. You're empty," she explained.

The 47 year old goes to OHSU twice a week for several hours of transfusions, injections and a serum called AGT.

"It hopefully grafts to my bone marrow and creates new cells," said McClaskey-Agresta.

She's not sure if she'll get a bone marrow transplant but already knows her only brother is not a match.

This Saturday, McClaskey-Agresta is teaming up with the group, Delete Blood Cancer, to sign up new donors at Charming Charlie's in Hillsboro from 4 to 8 p.m.

The corporate flight attendant who traveled the world is hoping to make the most of her layover in the Portland area.

"If we get one person that's a match for somebody it would mean the world to me," she concluded. "I really have had a blessed life."

Learn more and register as a donor

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