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Thousands from the Oregon Nurses Association hit picket lines for Day 1 of strike

About 3,000 nurses are striking at six Providence Health hospitals in what the union said is the largest nurses strike in Oregon history.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Thousands of nurses are out on picket lines at six Providence hospitals in Oregon on the first day of the strike that will last three days. Meanwhile, Providence reported that hospitals continue to run smoothly.

"It's kinda hard not to be inside, and you wonder how the ER is running ... is everyone doing okay?" Amy Mcrae said. She's been a nurse for 19 years and said things have changed for the worse. 

"I have to pay $250 to go to the ER that I work at. Our out-of-pocket is $6,600 dollars for a family," said Mcrae. 

Mcrae is one of thousands of Providence nurses on strike with the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA). Those at the bargaining table said they want safe staffing, better benefits and competitive wages. 

The strike comes after more than six months of contract bargaining between Providence and the nurses' unions at each facility, including federal mediation, in an effort to avoid a strike. 

Providence said that the ONA hasn't responded to their latest proposals. 

"We put comprehensive packages on the table for all six hospitals, and instead of responding to those proposals, ONA gave us a strike notice and so we don't know where they stand," said Jennifer Gentry, chief nursing officer for Providence’s central division.

With no agreement, Providence brought in replacement workers to fill in during the strike, and they said so far, it's business as usual. 

"The Providence nurses ensured that the handover went well, and our replacement nurses had all of the information they needed to ensure that we were able to continue provide excellent care," said Gentry. 

While the strike is set to end on Thursday, nurses said they hope to come to a resolution with Providence soon. 

"We're all out here when we'd rather be in there, but we also know this is important for getting a good contract and getting a settlement," said Kathy Keane. 

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