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PSU announces variety of fall class options for students

Most Portland State University classes will be taught remotely but some will include in-person learning as well.
Credit: KGW

PORTLAND, Ore. — As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Oregon and across the country, Portland State University on Thursday announced that students attending the university this fall will be able to attend classes remotely and in person.

In a letter to students, faculty and staff, PSU President Stephen Percey and Provost Susan Jeffords said the university’s Fall Flex format intends to protect community members at higher risk of COVID-19 and at the same time “preserve the opportunity for face-to-face instruction when it can be conducted safely.”

PSU’s fall term begins Sept. 28.

More than 150 classrooms will be updated to allow remote learning and meet social distancing guidelines for in-person learning, PSU said. Hundreds of faculty members are training for remote teaching.

PSU will be ready to change its teaching formats based on the spread of COVID-19 and the direction of public health leaders.

“We will follow the guidance put forward from the Oregon Health Authority and Gov. Kate Brown and will need to remain flexible,” the letter from Percey and Jeffords said.

PSU’s fall schedule will be updated by mid-August. The following course formats will be available for students:

Remote Courses: Most courses will be taught remotely.

In-Person Courses: PSU is working to provide in-person options for 10-20% of classes and creating safe classrooms with more square footage per student and improved air ventilation. Masks will be required.

Flex Courses: These classes will allow students and faculty to choose formats that are best suited to meet learning goals and accommodate public health requirements.

Online Courses: PSU will continue to offer fully online courses.

Learn more about PSU’s plan and the university’s plan for campus life here.

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