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Professor mapping mysterious Forest Grove noise

FOREST GROVE, Ore. -- A Pacific University professor is tracking that mysterious, high pitch noise heard all around Forest Grove, and he’s hoping you can help him solve the mystery.

Background: Mysterious Forest Grove noise gets national attention

Dr. Andrew Dawes teaches physics at Pacific University. He has some ideas on what could create a sound like the one ringing through the area, but he’s not certain of the source. That led him to create a public Google Map pin pointing when and where people heard the sound. He had about thirty pins by Friday and hopes more pins will help him identify patterns.

Related: Mysterious Forest Grove noise spurs flood of calls, emails to authorities

“I didn't necessarily want it to be my project, it's something anyone can help work on,” said Dawes. “If they're interested in solving the mystery, let's do it!”

Dawes encourages people to log on, export data and do their own analysis of where the sound could be coming from.

Watch: Jimmy Fallon 'solves' Forest Grove mystery sound

Forest Grove mystery solved!

Jimmy Fallon says he's found the source of the mystery Forest Grove noise!(Background story: on.kgw.com/FGnoise)

Posted by KGW-TV on Thursday, February 25, 2016

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