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Plaza honoring Portland iconic drag queen Darcelle XV breaks ground

O’ Bryant Square, a Portland park once riddled with drug activity and crime, is now on its way to making a comeback.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Darcelle XV Plaza has gone through many changes over the years, originally known as O’ Bryant Square.

On Saturday, the city of Portland started construction on the site that's expected to open next summer. With plans of being an honorary place for the city’s iconic drag queen, Darcelle XV, whose showplace is the longest-running drag cabaret on the West Coast. While also creating a green space to attract more people downtown.

Maridee Woodson was emotional at the groundbreaking ceremony for the park that will honor her dad.

“It means everything to our family," said Woodson. "This is something that I wish he could’ve been here to witness. I mean honestly, this would’ve been the icing on the cake to his long career.”

Her father was Walter Cole but on stage, he transformed into Darcelle XV. A well-loved and well-known drag queen who dazzled crowds for 56 years before his passing in March 2023.

Today, his friends kept his legacy alive by putting on a drag show at the announcement of Darcelle XV Plaza opening up next summer.

"He would be so thrilled," said Poison Water also known as Kevin Cook, a close friend of Cole. This is such a beautiful large space. Once they cleared it out and did all the excavation. It’s a huge block. Darcelle would love that his park is going to be bigger than ever."

The area was formerly known as O'Bryant Square off Southwest Harvey Milk Street between 9th and Park Avenue.

In July of last year, the Portland City Council voted to recreate the space. Sketches of the site features a stage, a wall of fame for prominent LGBTQ+ leaders, and even a spot to display artwork.

City commissioner Dan Ryan, led the vote for the park to be renamed and rebuilt to honor Darcelle XV and the queer community. 

“Be a place for people to have a little bit of a rest," Commissioner Ryan told KGW." To sit down on a bench and the shade. There will be a dog walk here. But primarily, it’s to bring people together in entertainment. Portland has so many performers that need a venue to perform in, and so we’ll provide that in a wonderful, elegant, playful place.”

Mayor Ted Wheeler said he hopes the Darcelle XV Plaza coming next summer will be a symbol of acceptance and inclusivity.

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