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New crackdown on undocumented immigrants do not calm DACA fears

The Department of Homeland Security issued two new memos this week on immigration enforcement. They focus on arresting and deporting more undocumented immigrants.

PORTLAND, Ore. -- The Department of Homeland Security issued two new memos this week on immigration enforcement. They focus on arresting and deporting more undocumented immigrants.

A fact sheet included with the memos says recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) would not be targeted by a change in policy. Thousands of recipients live in Oregon.

One of them is Fatima Preciado. Her parents brought her to America illegally when she was a child. But because of DACA she is able to hold a job and a driver’s license, and is studying politics and social service at Portland State University.

The latest immigration memos make the future feel dangerous for her.

“Our community is in chaos. We're in constant fear and uncertainty,” she said.

She's quite aware of the two new memos put out by President Trump's administration.

One calls for the hiring of 10,000 new immigration agents to help arrest and deport illegal immigrants.

The other changes deportation priorities from anyone convicted of a serious crime to anyone arrested for any crime.

“So that doesn’t bring me any comfort. I'm still very concerned about my future and about the future of my family in this country,” Fatima said.

In Eastern Oregon, the concern is practical. A woman at Congressman Greg Walden's town hall meeting on Tuesday worried a widespread crackdown on illegal immigrants would clear out critically needed workers.

“We don’t have enough laborers here, right now,” she said.

The congressman responded, "that’s where we got to tackle the whole immigration issue. I grew up on a cherry orchard in Hood River. And I told people if we hadn’t had guest workers, the cherries would still be hanging on the trees."

He agreed something needs to be done but did not offer specifics.

While the new memos disturb some, it is encouraging to others.

“We need an immigration policy that allows good people who love our country to come here and that keeps out those who would do us harm. Therefore, I support President Trump doing everything he can to keep Americans safe,” said Tracy Honl, Chair of the Washington County Republican Party.

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