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The Pioneers may soon not be Lewis & Clark College's mascot

Lewis & Clark College is searching for a new mascot after a survey showed "remarkably low support" for the Pioneers.
Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Ore., Monday, Feb. 8, 1999.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Lewis & Clark may soon no longer be the "Pioneers" — a mascot the college has embraced for over 80 years. 

A recent survey cited a "remarkably low support for the mascot among current students" — now putting the college in search of a new symbol.

"This is not a decision I take lightly," said Robin H. Holmes-Sullivan, president of Lewis & Clark College. "As a former student athlete, I know what it means to wear a team name, carrying the responsibility of representing a beloved institution."

At the start of the year, Lewis & Clark surveyed students, staff, faculty and alumni on how they felt about the mascot — over 7,000 responded. And one thing stood out, that the "vast majority" agree that it's important for current students to have a mascot that they are proud of. 

The Pioneer dates back to 1942 at Lewis & Clark, when the student newspaper began publishing as the Lewis & Clark College Pioneer Log. Then in 1946, the football team followed suit and took the name Pioneers. 

The original Pioneer mascot designed by an undergraduate described "Pioneer Pete," as "a jolly, good natured fellow, with a large toothy grin, and dressed in the true pioneer fashion.” But this visual representation was brief — and since there's been no visual characteristics of the Pioneer, the college's website said. 

Recently, some student groups moved away from using "Pioneer" in their organizations and activities. In 2022, students renamed the student newspaper to The Mossy Log.

Holmes-Sullivan said the next steps to determine the future mascot will be lead by a committee who will seek input from students, staff, faculty and alumni. The college has not yet announced a timeline for when they hope to have a new mascot in place.

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