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Kevin Hart calls Hood to Coast 'the most amazing experience'

Actor and comedian Kevin Hart, who ran Hood to Coast over the weekend, said it was "the most amazing experience I've ever had running."

<p>Kevin Hart </p> <div>  </div>

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Actor and comedian Kevin Hart, who ran Hood to Coast over the weekend, said it was "the most amazing experience I've ever had running."

Hart posted a 13-minute video Sunday to YouTube talking about his experience.

"I'm dead," Hart said. "I'm dead tired.

"I can't feel my legs," he said, laughing.

Hart said he and his team trained for the race, but he had no idea how hard it was going to be.

"The conditions were ridiculous, man," he said. "And the people that did that ... soldiered through it. The people that did it were warriors. ... I'm happy to say I'm a warrior."

Hart spent a lot of time during the video praising the people of Portland.

"I've never seen people more encouraging and more supportive of one another in my life," Hart said. "People clapping for you, people ringing bells."

Hart talked in detail about the race, including his sleeping arrangements, trying to stay warm while using a porta-potty and resisting the temptation to trip up a high school girl after she passed him on the course.

He also proudly showed off the medal he earned for running the race.

"I set a goal, and I accomplished the goal," he said.

Hart said he can't wait to come back next year.

"This is the first of many," he said.

Watch the video (warning: profanity).

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