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Brenda Tracy accuses Michigan State football coach of sexual harassment

Michigan State University suspended football coach Mel Tucker without pay. Tucker has denied any misconduct.

PORTLAND, Oregon — Editor's note: The details in this report may be triggering for some people.

A rape survivor known for her work with student athletes is in the national spotlight. According to a report in USA Today, Brenda Tracy is part of a sexual misconduct investigation filed against Michigan State University head football coach Mel Tucker

She worked with Tucker while sharing her message with his team. The accusations include allegations of non-consensual phone sex. A formal Title IX hearing is scheduled for next month to determine whether Tucker violated school policy.

Tracy filed the Title IX complaint in December. She alleged Tucker conducted non-consensual phone sex with her in April 2022. Officials with Michigan State said they didn't know the nature of the investigation until last weekend when the university suspended Tucker without pay.

RELATED: Michigan State suspends Mel Tucker after allegations he sexually harassed rape survivor Brenda Tracy

“The university's objective has been and remains focused on conducting a fair, thorough and unbiased investigation and allowing the processes to play out,” said Michigan State athletic director, Alan Hallar. “This includes protecting the confidentiality of the claimant and putting in place interim measures."

USA Today detailed the complaint. In it, Tracy described a working relationship with Tucker that developed into a friendship. She also suggests attempts on Tucker's part to take that relationship to a romantic level were one-sided. In the complaint, Tucker admitted to investigators that he masturbated while on the phone with Tracy but said it was part of consensual phone sex. He also said he did not engage in misconduct by any definition.

For her part, Tracy told investigators that what happened reopened 25-year-old wounds from her rape by four men, including two Oregon State University football players.

“The idea that someone could know me and say they understand my trauma but then re-inflict that trauma on me is so disgusting to me, it’s hard for me to even wrap my mind around it,” Tracy told USA Today. “It’s like he sought me out just to betray me.”

In a statement released Monday, Tucker doubled down on his claims of innocence.

"I have been ripped from the team that I love without any meaningful opportunity to tell my side of the story other than this press release," read the statement. “I ask everyone to consider carefully the undisputed facts outlined and reserve judgement until the full truth comes out.”

Tracy responded to Tucker's statement on social media. She wrote in part, “This is more of the same DARVO, deflection, victim blaming and lies that I've been dealing with now for months,” wrote Tracy. The statement went on to say, “October 5th and 6th I will be present for the hearing and make myself available for cross examination by his attorney Jennifer Belveal. I invite him to do the same.”

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