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Belly Brigade alters methods, but keeps feeding the hungry

The Cowlitz County nonprofit is not offering sit-down meals, but is offering boxed meals for people in need during the coronavirus crisis.

LONGVIEW, Wash. — Longview is pretty quiet these days. But during the Coronavirus crisis there is work happening in some of these homes, preparing food for the hungry.

"Our mission is to connect people in the community with resources, but our action we do each week is we show up at two locations in Kelso and Longview with a hot meal for anybody hungry.  There’s a lot of families experiencing poverty and both parents are working, there’s a lot of unsheltered of course, every town has their homeless," said Belly Brigade's Amie-Jo Brassfield.

Brassfield and a friend started Belly Brigade about five years ago. It's grown using Facebook, to relay specific needs, and to communicate with other volunteers who sign up to help. They help in part by providing hot Sunday meals at churches in Longview and Kelso. Right now, there's no sit-down meal. It has to be packaged to go.

Credit: Amie-Jo Brassfield

"This whole crisis is something unlike anything anybody’s ever seen so we’re just all just kind of rolling with it. I’ve been having to do door drops for a lot of our elderly and disabled because they’re afraid to come down to the church because they don’t want to get sick, and that’s fine," said Brassfield.

Longview's unsheltered are some of the most in need of a good meal.

Near a homeless camp is the Longview Foursquare Church. The congregation offers space and support for the Belly Brigade to feed people. 

"It’s just been a great relationship and partnership and Belly Brigade’s been amazing and I love what they do in our community... You know life still goes on beyond the COVID-19, there are still people that are hungry," said Pastor Eli Whatley.

Right now some of Belly Brigade's regular volunteers are unable to help because they are vulnerable to the virus. But others are stepping up.

"A lot of people are purchasing food to donate to make sure that others still got fed, so there is a lot of good; I’ve been keeping a journal of really cool, good things I see in our community," said Brassfield.

If you want to help the Belly Brigade, there are plenty of ways. And you can start by connecting with them on Facebook.

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