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'Joy Bot' uncovers what brings Portlanders joy

You may have noticed little hand painted robots popping up all over the city. It is a local artist's way of finding out what brings Portlanders joy.

PORTLAND -- We live in a busy world. This is not a secret. However, what you may not know is this -- if you slow down just enough, you may stumble across an army of robots.

I'm interested in surprising and delighting people when they least expect it, said Gary Hirsch, creator of Joy Bots. Ilove the idea of starting something and letting it spread out and seeing what happens with it.

KGW tagged along withHirsch as he placed the Joy Bots all over the Rose City. The idea is simple -- people will spot the Joy Bots and snatch them up.

They think it's propaganda, saidHirsch.

But in the end it is not. The lucky finders should follow the instructions on the robot to let Hirsch know what brings them joy.

Anna Magruder did just that after finding a Joy Bot at a bakery in Sellwood.

Ifound Joy Bot 115, said Magruder. What brings me joy? Vintage items, anything old.

That is a unique response. Hirsch will typically hear that beer and pets bring Portlanders joy. Occasionally he will get a response that really sticks out.

My favorite one Igot was a guy, he takes a picture of himself and his health insurance card, said Hirsch.

It is all part of big experiment. What brings Portlanders joy? All youhave to do to be a part of it is slow down and take a look around.

This project allows me to start something with no control over where it goes and that's exciting, said Hirsch. It's surprising and I'm a surprise addict.

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