PORTLAND, Ore. — No surprise, beer is big business at college football games. Oregon State University sold $714,298 in alcohol at home football games this season.
It was the first year fans in Corvallis could buy beer and wine throughout the stadium. Previously, alcohol was only served in certain areas of Reser Stadium.
“It went about as good as we could have hoped for,” said Steve Fenk, OSU associate athletic director.
OSU still has to calculate concessions costs before releasing net revenue from alcohol sales.
OSU increased the number of alcohol monitors and security at home football games.
As a result of the tightened security, there was a slight jump in fan ejections, according to the OSU athletic department. A total of 192 fans were kicked out of football games in Corvallis this past season. The most common infraction involved fans who brought outside alcohol into the stadium.
OSU limited alcohol sales to two drinks at a time and sales ended after the third quarter. OSU allowed fans to leave and re-enter the stadium, unlike the University of Oregon which prohibited re-entry.
So far, UO has not released in-stadium alcohol sales or fan ejection numbers for the 2018 season.
This was also the first season fans at UO could buy beer or wine throughout Autzen Stadium in Eugene.
Previous Investigation: Beer, fights and bad behavior: Are college football fans getting too rowdy?