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3 things you need to know this Tuesday

Older Oregonians having trouble navigating the COVID-19 vaccine; WES commuter rail costs TriMet $108 per passenger; wildfire-ravaged Gates receives much-needed help

How will older Oregonians get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Oregon's eligibility date for older adults to qualify for COVID-19 shots is fast approaching (February 8), and many are concerned about how they're going to get the vaccine. Attempting to sign up for an appointment has been a challenge. The existing online system is tricky for anyone to navigate, regardless of age. The online portal that health care professionals and educators are using for the tri-county area timed out yesterday when we tried to sign up as an Oregon senior. We reached out to state and county leaders to ask how seniors are supposed to schedule appointments for COVID-19 shots, but the state didn't respond and a Multnomah County public health official said they didn't know. Another concern is transportation. Some older people aren't able to drive down to the Oregon Convention Center to get the vaccine. Barbara Alminiana, 78, who reached out to KGW with her concerns about the process, said she's unable to drive. "That isn't going to work for us and that's been a major source of frustration for me for quite some time," she said. "I hope that there can be a solution." READ MORE

The WES commuter rail is costing TriMet $108 per passenger

TriMet’s Westside Express Service, known as WES, was already headed in the wrong direction and the pandemic has made the rail line's struggles even more pronounced. "They should just admit it was a mistake," said John Charles, president of the Cascade Policy Institute. READ MORE

Wildfire-ravaged community of Gates receives $50K relief from Marion County

Finally, a city on the verge of collapse got some relief. Last week Gates city leaders sent out an urgent plea for help and shared their desperation with us, saying the Beachie Creek Fire wiped out half of what was there and erased almost half the city’s revenue. Marion County Commissioners answered the call, giving Gates a $50,000 check on Friday. READ MORE

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