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Oregon COVID-19 updates, Sept. 1: Multnomah County approaching Phase 2 reopening metrics

As COVID-19 continues to impact Oregon and Southwest Washington, get the latest updates here.
Credit: KGW

PORTLAND, Ore. — Cases of COVID-19 began popping up in the United States in January. The first case in Oregon was reported on Feb. 28.

We've been posting a daily blog to track the changes in Oregon and Southwest Washington as we get them. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LATEST UPDATES


As of Tuesday evening:

INTERACTIVE: Oregon coronavirus map


8 p.m.

  • COVID-19 regulations across the border can look quite different. One Oregon health official from Eastern Oregon's Malheur County explained the dilemma of dealing with it. Learn more
  • Multnomah County is approaching being able to meet Phase 2 reopening requirements. Dr. Jennifer Vines said entering Phase 2 isn’t the top priority for county health officials. Instead, they are focused on reducing case numbers so that students can get back in the classroom for in-person learning. Learn more
  • Antibodies that people make to fight the new coronavirus last for at least four months after diagnosis and do not fade quickly, as some earlier reports suggested, scientists have found. Tuesday’s report, from tests on more than 30,000 people in Iceland, is the most extensive work yet on the immune system’s response to the virus and is good news for efforts to develop vaccines. Learn more

1:45 p.m.

  • Oregon Gov. Kate Brown on Tuesday called the upcoming Labor Day weekend a “critical moment” for Oregon in the COVID-19 pandemic. The governor’s words of caution came as she extended Oregon’s state of emergency declaration for another 60 days. It will continue until Nov. 3. Learn more

12:25 p.m.

  • State health officials on Tuesday reported six more COVID-19 deaths in Oregon, including a 27-year-old man in Washington County. The Oregon Health Authority also reported 243 new cases. Learn more

9 a.m.

  • The Oregon Employment Department’s (OED) application for the federal government’s new assistance program for unemployed workers has been approved. That means Oregonians will be able to get an extra $300 per week for an estimated three to five weeks, or potentially longer, through FEMA’s Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) program, which President Donald Trump authorized earlier this month. Learn more

7:30 a.m.

  • Gov. Kate Brown issued an executive order extending Oregon’s foreclosure moratorium through December, citing the continuing COVID-19-related recession. Learn more
  • In March, Jim Mains started hanging a ribbon on his fence for each person that died of COVID-19 in Washington state. A few weeks ago, Jim posted that the ribbons would be taken down at the end of August. Learn more
  • A CDC statistic has been misinterpreted as stating that only 6% of COVID-19 deaths were caused by the virus. Here's what the numbers really mean. Learn more

INTERACTIVE: Active workplace outbreaks with five or more confirmed cases

INTERACTIVE: Oregon coronavirus data by age group

INTERACTIVE: COVID-19 Cases in Oregon

INTERACTIVE: Oregon COVID-19 Hospitalization Data

RELATED: Oregon coronavirus: Maps, graphs and data

WATCH: Coronavirus latest updates | YouTube playlist

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