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Free sandbags available if you are worried about flooding

Crews are keeping a close eye on Johnson Creek, as there’s a warning the creek could reach flood stage on Friday, due to rain and the melting of snow.

PORTLAND, Ore. – Crews are keeping a close eye on Johnson Creek, as there’s a warning the creek could reach flood stage on Friday, due to rain and the melting of snow.

Latest numbers show as of 3am Friday, the creek was still five feet under flood level, however, the National Weather Service issued a flood watch for portions of Northwest Oregon and southwest Washington, including Johnson Creek, meaning a potential for flooding based on current forecasts.

Free sand and sandbags are available if you are worried about your home.

The sandbag sites are located at:

SE 88th Avenue just south of Holgate Boulevard in the parking lot at Lents Park. Enter parking lot at the bottom of the hill, and follow one-way traffic to the sand pile at the exit on the east side of SE 88th;

SE 111th Avenue and Harold Street at the southeast corner of the intersection; and

SW 42nd Avenue and Vermont Street in the lower parking lot of Gabriel Park; enter Gabriel Park from Vermont.

Location details for the three City-operated sandbag sites can also be found here.

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