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A car theft victim tracked down his stolen car. He found it being used to steal packages in Estacada

Ryan Rollins had his vehicle stolen outside of his restaurant last week. He said social media has helped him track his car, but has not recovered it.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Thousands of cars are stolen every year in Portland and some people never get them back. A Portland man, Ryan Rollins, had his Audi S-8 stolen outside of his restaurant in Portland's Sellwood neighborhood last week. He said social media has helped him track his car across the city, but he has not yet recovered it.

"I was looking around, used my key fob and nothing went off," Rollins said.

Rollins owns Bible Club and PDX Sliders. He said his Audi was parked across the street from his Sellwood restaurant when it was stolen.  

While Rollins did file a police report, he also took to social media. And sure enough, someone had seen the car. He said it was spotted near Division and most recently in Estacada. 

"They caught it on the Ring cam, they were stealing Amazon packages," Rollins said.

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Not only was his stolen car cruising the streets of Estacada, but the thieves were using it to keep stealing. 

Doorbell video shows someone running up to a porch from the Audi and taking an Amazon package before getting back in the front seat of the car. 

"It just kind of goes to show what kind of community awareness and support does to find something like that," Rollins said. 

He's grateful for all the eyes on the street, his friends and customers in the Portland metro area. But he feels that this type of theft has gone on for too long in Portland.

"They've kind of felt that they can become lawless and there's really no repercussions."

Now, Rollins just wants his car back and knows people around the metro area can help make it happen.

"There's not really the resources to chase and find these guys, so you have to rely on social media and the community to snitch on these people and that's what we're hoping for," Rollins said.

You can report stolen cars to Portland Police through their non-emergency line at 503-823-3333.

RELATED: Here's the difference between Portland's 211, 311 and the non-emergency line


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