PORTLAND, Ore. — Most Comcast business customers probably didn’t notice it, but a closer look at their monthly bill revealed a new charge. Starting January 1, 2020, Comcast started billing business phone customers $2 per month for directory listing. The listing is used to place names, addresses and phone numbers in phone books and directory assistance (411).
One small business owner complained he’s being forced to pay for something he doesn’t want or need and was previously was offered for free.
Consumer advocates argue it is another way for the cable and phone company to make money. Consumer Reports found 69 percent of Americans who used telecom services said they experienced unexpected fees.
A Comcast spokesperson said over 100 publishers use the listings for print and online directories.
Customers can request their directory information not be published or not be listed, explained the Comcast spokesperson, but they’re still charged $2 per month for the “Directory Listing Management Fee.”
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