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Watch: What 'Home Alone' would look like as a horror movie

Bobby Burns on YouTube just recut the movie's trailer to turn it into a horror film.
Bobby Burns on YouTube recut the "Home Alone" trailer to turn it into a horror film.


The Christmas movie Home Alone is a little bit scary, but not too scary (it is a kids' movie, after all).

But what if that movie was really scary. Like, horror movie scary. Now we know what that would look like.

Bobby Burns on YouTube recut the movie's trailer to turn it into a horror film.

It is terrifying. Poor Kevin is, of course, home alone, but with all of the goofy parts cut out, it's a lot scarier this time around.

The Christmas music in the background is just creepy enough.

Now excuse me while I go home to watch the original Home Alone, before I have nightmares.

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