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Oregon Humane Society honors compassion in pets, people at annual Diamond Collar Awards

The awards were created almost twenty years ago to celebrate recipients for their compassion, resiliency and dedication.

PORTLAND, Ore. — On Tuesday, the Oregon Humane Society held its annual Diamond Collar Awards to honor the best people and pets who give back to others. 

The awards were created almost twenty years ago to celebrate recipients for their compassion, resiliency and dedication. 

"We're here today to honor people who've done some amazing things, and hopefully, that will inspire others to not only step up but also tell the story because I think we can all agree that we need a lot more compassion in this world," said Sharon Harmon, the Oregon Humane Society's CEO.

One of the honorees was Allyson Ridling, who takes care of her boxer, Sullivan. Sullivan is deaf, but Ridling said that doesn't limit his ability to help others and work with those who are facing challenges. 

"Being able to say, 'I have a dog. You can hug, you can walk him, you can do whatever. Let's get out; let's go walk' ... That can help someone," Ridling said. 

She added that the best thing about dogs is that they love you unconditionally. 

"You take care of them, and they'll take care of you," Ridling said. "The best thing about animals is that they have unconditional love. They don't need a condition to love you."

The event also raises awareness about the importance of adopting pets that are in need.

"Wagging his tail, he's very comfortable. He's about two years old. He's a pitbull mix. He would like to go home, and maybe, he'll find his new owner," demonstrated Chief Medical Officer Dr. Stephen Kochis.

Meanwhile, Ridling said she can't think of a better honor than to be recognized for something she loves doing.

"To recognize us for the work that we do and to assist with others and to help people with anything and everything they need in their life, we just feel honored," she said. 

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